Dr. Sutasinee Liu

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Dr. Sutasinee Liu

Born in Bangkok, Thailand, Dr. Sue moved to Houston, Texas with her family as a teenager in early 2000. Growing up, Dr. Sue fostered a deep love of acrylic and oil painting. She found that dentistry was something like a marriage between artistic and scientific efforts: it took scientific knowledge to treat dental disease, but also an artistic eye to create a beautiful smile.

Dr. Sue began her dental career as a hygienist more than 10 years ago after graduating from the University of Texas School of Dentistry. She became a Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) a few years later upon graduating from the University of Detroit Mercy. After so many years of working in the dental industry and in multiple offices in different states, Dr. Sue still looks forward to work every day. She has a strong vision about the culture of her dental office and the quality of dentistry she would like to provide. She is a firm believer of lifetime learning and is attending more than 150 hours of continuing education (more than 10 times of the state requirement) each year. She is on track of getting her fellowship in academy of general dentistry which recognize the best of best 6% dentists in the U.S. and Canada.

In life, she chooses life experiences over material possessions and loves to travel, play sports, and spend time with Dr. Lei, their daughter Emersyn, and Mochi, the family pup.

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